Environmental health and protection

Core Program 3: Environmental health and protection program
The sub components of the Environmental health and protection program are:

  1. Waste management
  2. Water Resources Management (WRM)
  3. Control of pollution and remediation
  4. Urban green areas
  5. Forest conservation
  6. Public toilet
  1. Waste management
  • Specific objectives of waste management
  • To increase community awareness on waste management
  •  To prevent the generation of waste
  • To promote reuse of waste
  •  To promote biological recovery of waste and recycling of materials
  • To promote energy use of waste not suited for recycling
  •  To ensure that the treatment and disposal of waste does not cause any harmful impacts
  • To Ensure environmental accountability and social responsibility of all waste generators, waste
    managers and service providers.
  • To recruit, train and establish micro enterprises that participate in waste management
  • To Assist in the development of Public Private Partnership (PPP) both with private sector and
    civil society organisations with public contribution via service fees for waste management.
  • To Take up long-term extensive awareness on waste management as a strategy

Goal: -To reduce and eliminate adverse impacts of waste materials on human health and the environment that support economic development and superior quality of life

2. Water Resources Management (WRM)

specific objectives of the water resource management are:

  • To enhance the creation of an appropriate enabling environment for water resources
    management, development and use.
  •  To facilitate the creation of institutional frameworks for water resources management,
    development and use at national, regional, sub regional and community levels
  •  To improve the knowledge base on which rational water resources decisions will be made
  • To improve the water resources assessment capabilities of the water sector through the
    introduction of appropriate analytical tools and upgrading the institutional and human
    resources capacity.
  • Facilitate the implementation of the future framework of water resources management of the
    town and village
  •  To prevent water resource pollution by wastes and chemical
  •  To improve provision of safe drinking water
  • To make water body area recreational centre by beatifying it
  • To prioritise and classify action plans in terms of short, medium and long term

Goal: – To promote conditions for environmentally sustainable, economically efficient and equitably allocated use of water resources that is suited for healthy of community through collaborative action of stakeholders

3. Control of pollution and remediation

Specific Objectives of Forest Management

  • To Protect and conserve flora, fauna, forests and wildlife.
  •  To promote Afforestation and regeneration of degraded areas and
  • To enhance Protection of environment in order to promote sustainable development.
  • To enhance the health, condition and function of existing tree and forest fragments to provide such
    things as air quality and temperature regulation, hydro-logic function and habitat.
  • To restore open lands and impervious areas through either planting or natural regeneration to regain
    original forest functions
  •  To increase significantly the area of protected forests
    To enhance cooperation, coordination, coherence and synergies on forest-related issues at all levels,
    from federal government to kebele, and across NGOs, as well as across sectors and relevant

Goals: -To enhance human, other living things and environmental health by forest management

4. Public toilet

Specific objectives of Construction of public toilet

  • To improve access to toilet in public areas
  • To decrease open field defecation
  •  To decrease femoral disease transmission

Goal: -to provide access to toilet in public areas dedicated to everyone

Practical Life Development Association